Monday, June 10, 2013

How has dance changed over time?

Dance has been around for a long time, and many changes have occurred. The cheorography, costumes, shoes, and music have at least somewhat have changed. Dance in the past had more dance crazes, and was all about having fun. Now dance requires lots of strenghth balance and technique. Ballet has always required the technique and bbalence and strenghth though.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Dancing now is very much ballet influenced. Lyrical, and Contemporary jazz is the most popular types of dance now, but tap and hip hop are still very popular. Jazz moves include fouttee turns, pirouettes, grand jete leaps, batma, and fan kicks.


In the 90's many new types of dance came about. Hip hop , and break dancing, and popping became popular. Popular dances included the tootsie roll and the Carlton.


In the 80's, a lot of dances we inspired by singers. Dances like the MC hammer time, The moon walk, and the Van Halen jump were inspired by MC hammer, Michael Jackson, and Van Halen. Also, The love shack was a popular dance.


In the 70's the popular song and dance that is still popular today came about, The YMCA. People loved the ymca because it was popular, and cool, but easy and everyone could do it. Also a popular dance was the hustle.


The 60s was a fun and a unique experience. You had to be there to understand the fun that the kids of the 60's had. many people still prefer the 60's dances to the pop songs and dances we have today. One popular dance was the madison. Also the Hully Gully was a popular song/dance.


During the 1950's dancing was a big part of an everyday routine. Popular T.V. shows were dancing shows, and many kids took dance classes. Lots of dance moves in the 50's were partner steps. Many moves included the hand jive, and the stroll was a very popular dance move.